Wednesday, February 9, 2011

**Babysitting Kasyn**

So I'm just going through my camera and realized there are a lot of pictures that I have done nothing with... So this is just one of those posts... While I was on Christmas Break, I got to babysit my cousin for 2 weeks... He is such a cute kid and I had so much fun spending time with him... One of the first days I had him he wanted to go to the park and ride his little skateboard down the ramps, luckily he forgot his helmet so I used that as an excuse not to let him go... However, the next day he brought his helmet.... So I took him to the park and let him 'run' up and down the ramps... (luckily he kind of forgot he wanted to ride his skateboard down the ramp)... Anyways here are just some pictures of our Park Time :)

He insisted on taking one picture of me, since I was taking a million of him lol... I'm surprised he actually got me in the picture lol

I absolutely LOVE kids... I'm so lucky to be so close to my family, my cousins, nieces and nephews... I LOVE it... I cannot wait until it's time for Kenny and I to have kids and start our own family :) Until then I'll just enjoy spoiling all the other kiddos in my life :)